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Additional Information

“Subdivision” shall mean the division of a tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, sites, or other divisions requiring new street or utility construction, or any division of less than five (5) acres for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, and includes re-subdivision and when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of resubdividing or to the land or area subdivided.

Any owner of land within this area wishing to subdivide land shall submit to the Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission a plat of the subdivision according to the procedures outlined in the current version of the Subdivision Regulations Updated January 2025

Subdivision Types

Major Plat

The division of a tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots requiring public infrastructure improvements (road, sanitary sewer, water, or storm drainage systems) or into eleven (11) or more lots without public infrastructure improvements. A preliminary plat is a tentative plat initially submitted for Planning Commission review of the proposed subdivision showing the character and proposed layout in sufficient detail to indicate the suitability of the proposed subdivision of land. A final plat is then submitted for approval showing the land subdivision in a form suitable for filing of record in accordance with the subdivision regulations.

Minor Plat

The division of a tract or parcel of land into two (2) to ten (10) lots that does not require dedication of any land to the public or the construction of public infrastructure improvements. At the discretion of the Director of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission, a subdivision may be approved as a Minor Plat even though it may involve extension of utilities to sever less than ten (10) lots or the dedication of public right-of-way provided such dedication does not involve the opening of a public way or infrastructure improvements in the public right-of-way.

Staff-Level Plat

The division of a tract or parcel of land into two (2) lots (excluding the residual lot) that does not require dedication of any land to the public. If a piece of property was subdivided after November of 1995 then the property will have to be platted through Minor Plat provisions prior to the issuance of a building permit. This includes all property and all subdivisions. This is to be certain of the plats ability to meet all zoning and subdivision regulations of the City of Clarksville and Montgomery County.  Once it is determined by either City or County Building and Codes that a Minor Plat will be required the first step is for the property owner to have the tract in question surveyed to meet all zoning and subdivision regulations.

Exempt Plat

The division of a tract or parcel of land meeting the requirements of Subsection 1.5.3 that is exempt from these Subdivision Regulations Updated January 2025.


Items to be submitted to the Regional Planning Commission Office for review:

  • Application
  • Subdivision plat (2 copies for Staff Level / 15 copies for Major or Minor Plats)
  • A filing fee (Fee Schedule)

Major and Minor Plats are approved by the Regional Planning Commission Board of Commissioners at the monthly Planning Commission meetings (see calendar for submission deadlines).  Staff-Level plats are reviewed by a staff member and any necessary corrections to the plat will be presented to the surveyor in writing or the plat will be released for signatures. The applicant must obtain all the signatures from the appropriate department(s)/agencies. Once all the signatures have been obtained the owner will need to sign the plat and have their signature notarized (Notary service for plats is available at no additional expense at the Regional Planning Commission Office). The Director of the Regional Planning Commission is the last signature to obtain prior to the recording of the plat at the Montgomery County Register of Deeds office.

For questions or other inquiries regarding Subdivisions, contact Brad Parker by email or by phone at 931-645-7448.