A site plan is a detailed engineering drawing, which is drawn to scale and provides a bird’s eye view of a lot/parcel of land with proposed improvements. It provides a graphic representation of the parking, drives, landscaping and other items needed to ensure compliance with the City of Clarksville Zoning Ordinance and the Montgomery County Zoning Resolution.
A site plan application and review are required in all zoning classifications except as follows: Single-Family and Two-Family dwelling and their accessory structures. No building or structure shall be erected in any zone district until a site plan meeting the requirements has been submitted and approved by the Regional Planning Commission.
The developer/property owner will need to submit four (4) copies of the site plan along with all necessary fees and the application. This plan will go through a review process at the Planning Commission and will be reviewed by a departmental review two(2) weeks after the deadline for submission. Following the two previous reviews the site plan will be heard by the Regional Planning Commission at the end of the month. At this hearing, all requirements and public comments will be heard.
For Questions or other inquiries regarding the Site Review process or Abandonments, contact our office.
Site Review Types
Major Site Reviews
Full site plans are approved by the Regional Planning Commission at the monthly Planning Commission meetings (see Calendar for submission deadlines and meeting dates).
Site Plan Applicability (City)
Site Plan Applicability (County)
Minor Site Reviews (Staff Level)
Staff-Level plans are reviewed by a staff member and any necessary corrections to the site plan will be presented to the applicant/engineer in writing.