In April 2022 the RPC, along with a host of City, County, and Regional stakeholders, will embark on a once-in-a-decade study of our land use and future. This is something the RPC has not undertaken since 1999 and is an important guide to future development city and countywide. Without a plan or vision, what do we truly hope to accomplish when it comes to our development patterns, job and housing growth, transportation, and public facilities? This Comprehensive Plan is a key piece in gathering input from the public, city and county departments, and other non-profits and businesses who live and work here in Clarksville and greater Montgomery County. The RPC has enlisted the assistance of an award-winning Planning Firm, Houseal Lavigne, which has worked with over 400 other communities, several like ours, in assessing and delivering a Comprehensive Plan.
Final Deliverable
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Resource Documents
The following documents have been collected and reviewed by the RPC Staff and Consulting Team to inform the basis of the plan
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The Comprehensive Plan is being guided by the RPC which also acts as the Steering Committee. Two other committees have been formed to capture data, expertise, experiences, and opinions. The Technical Committee is comprised of City and County Department Heads or representatives and other local or regional government entities that the RPC works with frequently or that impact our daily lives such as APSU and Ft. Campbell. The final committee is the Stakeholder or Citizens Committee. This is a select group of citizens that represent a variety of employment, ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities that will give the RPC a true sounding board of ideas before engaging the larger public.
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Steering Committee |
Technical Committee |
Stakeholder (Citizens) Committee |
Richard Swift |
Mayor Golden (County Mayor) |
Alejandro Herrara |
Bryce Powers |
Mayor Pitts (City Mayor) |
Belinda Martinez |
Bill Kimbrough |
Lee Harrell (County Chief of Staff) |
Betty Barnet |
Maria Jimenez |
James Halford (City Chief of Staff) |
Brian DeSantis |
Stacey Streetman |
Ben Browder (CGW) |
Burton Coleman |
Wade Hadley |
TBD (Bi-County / Clean and Green) |
Chris Shank |
Thom Spigner |
Chris Brown (Ft. Campbell) |
Christian Black |
Larry Rocconi |
Ihab Habib(Clarksville Street Dept.) |
David B. Smith |
Micheal Long |
David “Buck” Dellinger (EDC) |
David McGuire |
David Crockarell (Chief CPD) |
Derek Flanigan |
David Smith (City Building and Codes) |
Dustyn Brewer |
Dennis Newburn (Neighborhood & Community Services) |
Elaina Russell |
Ed Baggett (County Emergency Management) |
Elizabeth Adamski |
Elizabeth Quinton (Downtown Commons) |
Isaac Wright |
Erinne Hester (County Assessor of Property) |
Jamie Roland |
Freddie Montgomery (Chief CFR) |
Jennifer McMillion |
Garth Branch (CGW) |
Jessica Phillips-Breznican |
Jim Little |
Jeff Bryant (County Highway Supervisor) |
Jimmie M. Garland |
Jennifer Letourneau (City Parks and Rec) |
Joann Garcia |
Jessica Hill (GNRC) |
Jody Isaacs |
Jimmy Edwards (County EMS) |
John Crespo |
Jobe Moore (CFR) |
Kacie Bryant |
John Atkins (Cunningham Utility Dist.) |
Khandra Smalley |
John Doss (County Stromwater) |
Karen Blick |
John Fuson (Sheriff) |
Lance Morgan |
John Patterson (Outlaw Field / Airport) |
Laura Shroeder |
Kimberly Wiggins (Trustee) |
Lawson Mabry |
Laurie Matta (City CFO) |
Mark Holleman |
Lynn Burkhart (Woodlawn Utility Dist.) |
Mark Kelly |
Mark Neblett (Bi-County) |
Mike Taliento
Melinda Shepard (Chamber of Commerce) |
Russell Adkins |
Michael Wilson (APSU GIS) |
Ryland Keen |
Nick Cunningham (TVA) |
Sherry Pickering |
Norm Brumblay (CMCSS) |
Terry Jalinsky |
Paul Nelson (CTS) |
Valerie Guzman |
Karla Kean (UT Extension) |
Yanaraliz Barnes |
Rod Streeter (County Building and Codes) |
Sally Burchett (County Parks and Rec) |
Shane Shields (Bi-County) |
Shea Hopkins (IDB) |
Stan Williams (CUAMPO) |
Steve Davis (Cumberland Heights Utility Dist.) |
Terry Cadwell (East Montgomery Utility Dist.) |
Theresa Harrington (CVB) |
Tom Hutchins (APSU) |