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About the Comprehensive Plan

Additional Information

Clarksville-Montgomery County is creating its new Comprehensive Plan, a roadmap for the City and County to direct future growth and development over the next 20 years. Your participation is key in the creation of the Plan—join us and tell us your vision!

About the Plan

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for the future. It is a community vision that will guide the City and County for the next 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan will result in a set of policies that direct future growth and development. Additionally, the creation of a Plan can lead to potential strategies that will help effectively guide City and County leaders as they make substantive and thoughtful decisions for the community.

What does a Comprehensive Plan Do?

A Comprehensive Plan defines a community-wide set of priorities and goals as well as an implementation strategy for achieving those goals.

Where and how to grow are at the crux of a Comprehensive Plan. The Plan should address the following:

  • Do we continue to grow outward into the County, or do we want to focus on infill within the City limits?
  • If we want to expand, where does that happen?
  • Where are the best opportunities for infill and re-development within the City ?
  • What does new development look like?
  • Where are our commercial areas, housing, and public facilities?
  • Where are the green spaces or natural areas we want to protect?

A Comprehensive Plan will help to balance the many varied and sometimes competing needs of the whole community.

How will the plan be used?

A Comprehensive Plan serves the following key functions:

  • Communicate Clarksville-Montgomery County’s vision
  • Inform development proposals
  • Foundation for regulatory framework
  • Coordinate initiatives
  • CIP and budgeting
  • Future plans and studies

What are the contents of a Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan will outline the existing conditions of Clarksville-Montgomery County, describe future goals and objectives for development and include an action plan on how to achieve these goals and objectives. The Clarksville-Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan will address the following topics:

  • Future Growth and Land Use
  • Housing and Neighborhoods
  • Economic Development
  • Transportation and Mobility
  • Infrastructure and Utilities
  • Parks, Natural Resources, and the Environment

What is the planning process?

The planning process for the Clarksville-Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan is organized around community engagement and bolstered by a thorough analysis of existing conditions to provide a concise and accurate assessment of the City’s and County’s growth and development issues and opportunities. The Comprehensive Plan will follow an eight-step process:

  1. Project Initiation
  2. Community Engagement
  3. Existing Conditions Analysis
  4. Vision, Goals, and Land Use Framework
  5. Future Growth Scenarios and Land Use Map
  6. Area Framework Plans
  7. Draft Core Plan Elements Framework
  8. Draft and Final Comprehensive Plan

Who participates in creating the Comprehensive Plan?

The development of the Plan relies on involving residents, businesses, workers, and stakeholders in the process to craft a community vision for Clarksville-Montgomery County’s future.

We already have other plans. What will happen to those?

Existing plans are an important part of the Comprehensive Plan process. These plans will inform the Comprehensive Plan, and in some cases will be incorporated into the plan if the goals and vision are still consistent with the aspirations of the community today.