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Commission and Board Members

Additional Information

Regional Planning Commission

The Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission was established in 1963, and per the by-laws, consists of nine members:

  • City Mayor or Designee
  • County Mayor or Designee
  • City Council Member, chosen by City Mayor
  • County Commissioner, chosen by County Mayor
  • Three appointments made by the City Mayor
  • Two appointments made by the County Mayor

Each Planning Commissioner serves a staggered four-year term or coterminous for elected officials.
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission are elected each January to a 1-year term. The chair and vice-chair must be from the citizen members. One Planning Commissioner will serve on the Regional Historic Zoning Commission as required by State law.

Planning Commissioners

Member Appointee Type
Micheal Long City Mayor Designee
Bill Kimbrough County Mayor Designee
Stacey Streetman City Council Member
Joe Smith County Commissioner
Richard Swift (Chair) City Citizen Appointment
City Citizen Appointment
Valerie Guzman City Citizen Appointment
Eric Huneycutt County Citizen Appointment
County Citizen Appointment

Common Design Review Board

The Common Design Review Board was established in 2017 by combining the Regional Historic Zoning Commission, Downtown Design Review Board, and the Madison Street Overlay Design Review Board. The entire Common Design Review Board consists of 11 total members; the 7 members of the Regional Historic Zoning Commission and 4 additional Design Board members. The entire Board reviews and votes on all design cases in Downtown or Madison Street while only the 7 members of the Regional Historic Zoning Commission can vote on any H-1 zoning matters. The members are chosen by the mayors according to our by-laws.

Members of the Common Design Review Board.
Members on the Regional Historic Zoning Commission indicated by Yes or No.

Member Historic Appointment Role
Wanda Smith Yes City City Councilmember
John Gannon Yes County County Commissioner
Doug Jones Yes County Architect
Gail Longton (Vice-Chair) Yes City Historian
Yes RPC RPC Member
James Bagby Yes County Citizen
Marcia Williams Yes City Citizen
Gary Shephard No City Citizen
David E. Smith No City Citizen
Kirk Zeaman No City Citizen
Bert Singletary No City Citizen

Land Regulation Advisory Committee

This committee is an advisory committee consisting of two city council members, two county commissioners, and three citizens of Montgomery County doing business in development, home building, or real estate. The purpose of this committee is to review any text changes to the zoning codes or subdivision regulations before the RPC votes on them. This allows for a third-party, non-binding review of text only. These members are appointed to 2-year non-repeating terms by their respective mayors. Citizen members are jointly appointed. This committee will meet at least twice annually, and additionally as needed. In addition to the nominated members the two mayors, chairman of the RPC, and RPC director are ex-officio members on the committee.

Member Role
Deb Haynes-Kulick Citizen Member
Eric Huneycutt Citizen Member
Bryce Powers Citizen Member
Joe Smith County Commissioner
Joshua Beal County Commissioner
Ambar Marquis City Councilmember
Joe Shakeenab City Councilmember
Mayor Golden County Mayor (Ex-officio)
Mayor Pitts City Mayor (Ex-officio)
Richard Swift RPC Chairman (Ex-officio)
Jeffrey Tyndall RPC Director (Ex-officio)